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Paul Cataldo Speaks At Sierra Club Green Building Lecture

Monday, February 24, 2014


On January 13th, 2014, green architect Paul Cataldo gave a lecture to the Long Island Sierra Club about green home design. Some of the topics covered were thermal mass, passive solar home design, green urban planning on Long Island, insulated concrete forms (ICF), structurally insulated panels (SIPs), air infiltration, home retrofits and green remodeling. Have a […]

On January 13th, 2014, green architect Paul Cataldo gave a lecture to the Long Island Sierra Club about green home design.

Some of the topics covered were thermal mass, passive solar home design, green urban planning on Long Island, insulated concrete forms (ICF), structurally insulated panels (SIPs), air infiltration, home retrofits and green remodeling.

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Unleash Green Ideas: Explore Paul Cataldo's blog for insights on sustainable design. Discover informative articles that make green building accessible. Learn about the latest advancements and practical tips for a healthier planet and home.